Meet Mother and Daughter Apprentices Jane and Jodie

Jane & Jodie Apprentice Quote

Jane and Jodie have both been working at Certas Energy for over 10 years. They are currently supporting each other as they each complete apprenticeships alongside their existing roles. Find out more about their experiences and how completing an apprenticeship is enhancing their careers.

Jane Jones, Receptionist undertaking a Business Admin Apprenticeship
After almost 11 years of working for Certas Energy, I decided to apply for an apprenticeship to open opportunities of furthering my career. Not being one to miss an opportunity, even at my age, I went for it. It is good to know that apprenticeships are open to people of all ages.

I am around 10% through my Business Studies Level 3 course. My role at Certas Energy is very people and customer focused. I have found that the greater detail in my course has course has provided a better understanding of my role.

My writing skills, particularly using and understanding the correct language and tone has also improved. I have become more balanced, keeping to the facts and making my correspondence interesting.

I have also gained more confidence, which is a major, probably the biggest factor for me. I am a singer which pushes me right out of my comfort zone, it’s the same with the apprenticeship, I am slowly realising what my capabilities are.

I feel that I have been in a fairly a comfortable place for many years and I am at a point where I would like to progress and find a new level of confidence and job satisfaction.

My course mentor, Joanne is a great support. She is very encouraging and easily recognises my strengths and weaknesses, pushing me through them with lots of positive encouragement. I am not at ease with maths at all and never have been, I have been relying on Google and a calculator, but I love writing and gaining skills here is very enjoyable.

Overall, the apprenticeship is a very enjoyable experience and I am hopeful that it will open up the gateway to an enhanced career.

Jodie Dowling, Risk Administrator undertaking an Accounts Apprenticeship
I’m still at the very beginning of the course so I can’t say much about AAT itself yet but what I would say I have learnt is to not be afraid of starting something new after working for Certas Energy for 10 years. I talked myself out of the apprenticeship at the beginning by saying I couldn’t do it before I had even tried. I’ve learnt to be more confident in my ability after passing the initial tests and try a new challenge.

As the apprenticeship and course progresses I’m looking forward to taking on more tasks and having a better understanding of accounting.

I’m working in risk currently, but want to take on more of a finance role. By doing this course I can learn about finance whilst also and putting what I learn into practice at the same time. I have become more confident now I have started and it’s not as alien as I thought it would be.

I would recommend an apprenticeship to any of my colleagues, especially if they are anxious to start something they’ve wanted to do for a while. I like that I have a coach who guides me through it. It’s not as daunting this way as someone is always there to help you. It’s also a good way to progress in your role and learn new skills that can be implemented in many other ways too.

I think people hear the word apprenticeship and think it’s only for school leavers but I have been at Certas 10 years and my mum 11 and we are now both doing an apprenticeship at the same time! It’s great to see that opportunities are open for both us irrelevant of our age and experience.

I’m proud of us both for starting something new and it’s great to be able to support each other as well.

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