Certas Energy Reveals Attitudes of UK Business Towards Alternative Fuels

New research* from Certas Energy, the UK’s leading independent supplier of fuel and lubricants, reveals widespread confusion amongst UK businesses when it comes to what constitutes sustainable alternatives to conventional fuels. 

Whilst there is an appetite to consider switching from conventional fuels across multiple industries, with 69% of UK construction, transport and public sector representatives likely to source alternative fuels in the next twelve months, there is a clear lack of awareness over which energy options are sustainable – a fifth of respondents were unable to identify the most sustainable fuel type.

Despite the impending introduction of clean air regulations across the country, the research also suggests that the majority of businesses have yet to find a fuel type that confidently addresses the required criteria for a viable alternative energy solution. Over 60% of businesses remain reliant on diesel engines, and only 2% currently use alternative fuels.

Drawing on the findings of the independent sector survey, Certas Energy’s Alternative Guide to Navigating the New Energy Mix has been published to help businesses to navigate the alternative fuels landscape by separating fuel facts from fiction. The guide outlines available alternative fuel solutions, busting the myths that are holding back wider adoption and sharing proven examples of alternative liquid fuels that are already available and in use today.

The guide was launched at Certas Energy’s second Clean Air Conference, which explored the role of alternative fuels in powering the transition to a low emission future.

Brian Worrall, Director of Corporate Affairs at Certas Energy, commented: “The results of the research are certainly eye-opening – there is a clear demand for alternatives to standard diesel yet also confusion around which way to turn for a solution. In reality, there is no silver bullet solution to overcome all air quality issues, but rather a mix of different technologies and options that can take us on the journey from today, towards the ultimate end-goal of zero emissions in the future. 

“Alternative fuels play a key role in this mix of solutions. The Alternative Guide to Navigating the New Energy Mix highlights the different solutions available to businesses looking to make immediate and lasting improvements to air quality.

“The guide is intended to help forward-thinking businesses make informed decisions when ‘making the switch’, while kick-starting the journey to cleaner air.”

Supplied by Certas Energy, GTL Fuel is a cleaner-burning alternative to diesel that has been proven to reduce emissions of air pollutants including nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) for improved local air quality.

The Alternative Guide to Navigating the New Energy Mix is available to download for free on the Certas Energy website. Get your copy here – https://www.certasenergy.co.uk/my-business/alternative-fuels-guide 

*2018 OnePoll survey, commissioned by Certas Energy, including 450 respondents across construction, fleet/haulage, and the public sector

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