Bunker Link

Bunker Link is a fast, simple and low-cost method of buying DERV in bulk volumes between 5,000 and 500,000 litres. The fuel is bunkered into a network, namely Keyfuels or UK Fuels, giving you the option of drawing the fuel at any time from over 3,000 refuelling locations.

Our bunker link service offers you a direct link into market insights optimising your position and allowing you make better informed buying decisions. Flexibility and transparency underpin this offering and you can choose to order via the spot market price of through a single supplier contract.

Unlike other suppliers, we offer a proactive service sharing our market insight letting you know when the best time to buy is. As a valued bunker link customer, you can also avail of more market discounts on products such as gas oil, AdBlue® and much more.

Benefits of Bunker Link include:
— Dedicated bunker link function on hand to advise you on the best time to purchase
— Transparent cost breakdown
— Proactively informing you on market updates and movements allowing you to optimise on market conditions
— Flexible credit terms based on your requirements
— Security with not having to store fuel on site or the risk of holding multiple cards in cab
— Market discounts not only on derv but other products including AdBlue®, gas oil and lubricants


Experts in fuelling fleets

With expert advice and an ever-growing network of refuelling sites, you can always depend on Certas Energy to help keep your fleet moving.

We can provide a range of products to suit your needs, our high speed pumps and expert team will be here to serve all your fuel, lubricants and AdBlue® needs. And if you’re looking to make your fleet cleaner, our range of alternative fuels and additives can help with that too.

Get in touch today.

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