A message from Certas Energy to our customers about the current AdBlue® supply challenges

While countries across Europe are experiencing challenges in the manufacture and supply of AdBlue diesel additive, Certas Energy would like to assure all our contracted and regular volume customers of our continued ability to meet their AdBlue needs.  

The skyrocketing gas prices are impacting the production of automotive grade urea – a key component in AdBlue.  Key fertiliser plants across Europe have already been heavily affected, with some being unable to operate, causing availability of AdBlue to be affected, with marked increases in the cost of urea across the market being an inevitable consequence. All AdBlue suppliers have subsequently needed to raise their prices in line with the increased production costs. 

As always, Certas Energy is committed to providing the best possible service to our customers and will continue to do so during these challenges outside of our control.  

If you have any questions on the current AdBlue manufacture or supply challenges, or any additional enquiries about Certas Energy products and services, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your local Certas Energy representative for personalised advice. 

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