Why increased FAME content in fuel matters

Explaining the changes to fuel requirements, and how to manage FAME content the right way on the road to Net Zero Carbon 2050. 

What is FAME?

FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters) is a renewable biofuel that is manufactured from sustainable sources. As a biofuel, FAME can help reduce CO2 emissions and has strong hygroscopic properties – meaning it is highly effective at absorbing water.

The UK’s Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) requires all fuel suppliers to increase the volume of renewable content present in the total fuel mix from 7% currently to 12.4% by 2032. This will lead to a greater volume of FAME content in UK fuel than ever before


What is the impact of FAME?

FAME’s ability to hold water can lead to an increased chance of users encountering fuel contamination issues, which can cause complications in older vehicles, machines and bulk fuel tanks.


How can businesses prevent issues caused by FAME?

To help customers prepare for the impact of increased FAME content, Certas Energy has developed a free guide. It covers the potential problems caused by FAME content, best practice maintenance and storage guidance, and FAME-free alternatives to gas oil and road diesel.


What solutions are available to help solve FAME-related challenges?

Certas Energy also offers a wide range of high-quality additives that can prevent or remedy issues caused by increased FAME content in DERV and gas oil/red diesel.

What are the FAME-free fuel alternatives?


GTL Fuel

Find our more about FAME-free alternative fuel Shell Gas-To-Liquid fuel, a low-emission, cleaner-burning fuel with a longer shelf life than conventional diesel, available for both on-road and off-road application.


HVO Fuel

Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) offers a cleaner, drop-in solution made from vegetable fats and oils. It is OEM-approved and can be used to fuel commercial fleets across a range of sectors, both on- and off-road.


Fuelling your journey to Net Zero and beyond

Certas Energy is committed to achieving the UK’s RTFO targets while ensuring minimal disruption to customers.
If your business has been affected by the introduction of biofuel targets, speak to your dedicated Certas Energy account manager.

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