Save Energy: Our Tips for an Energy Efficient Bathroom
Finding ways to save money around the home doesn’t have to mean sacrificing comfort. The bathroom, the centre of busy morning routines and cosy evening wind downs, is a surprising place to cut energy costs.
This list of easy tips for an energy efficient bathroom will help you enjoy your relaxing bubble bath that much more, all while saving money and the planet. Win-win!
1. Shorten your showers
We all love a hot shower, but did you know that showers use 25% of domestic water? By simply cutting down your shower time by two minutes, you can save litres of water and an estimated £43 a year per person on your utility bills!
2. Fix those drips
Those annoying drips aren’t just getting on your nerves, they’re also costing you precious cash. A leaky tap can astonishingly use up to 5,500 litres of water annually. This amount of water consumption can massively ramp up your water bills.
Not only that but if taps continue to leak over a long period of time, they can damage your sinks and surfaces. Ultimately, this could lead to the need to fork out for expensive repairs and replacements. That’s why it’s best to fix it as soon as possible, so grab your toolkit or call a plumber.

3. Try low flow bathroom fittings
Another way to create an energy efficient bathroom is to swap out your old shower heads and taps. Water saving shower heads and taps can reduce water use in your home. In particular, a water saving shower head can save up to 30 litres of water per shower.
Switching to low-flow bathroom fittings could save you up to £120 a year on your utility bills.
4. Turn off the tap
Leaving the tap running while brushing your teeth wastes nearly 9,000 litres of water per year. It may sound simple, but getting into the habit of turning off the tap while brushing your teeth can help you save money around the home.
5. Lower your water heater temperature
Lowering your water heater temperature by a few degrees can make a big difference. For a 20% reduction, you could save up to 9% with the average home saving £65 a year. I know what you’re thinking but don’t worry—you will still have heated water.
Bear in mind that you must have a condensing combi boiler to safely change your heating flow temperature yourself. But if you do have a combi boiler, you can control the flow temperature directly on the boiler itself. You can also change it back at any time if you feel your water is taking a little too long to heat up.
6. Air dry your towels
Instead of turning up the towel heater, let the towels air dry naturally. A towel heater is one of those things that can easily be forgotten about. But if it’s left turned on for long stretches of time it can be a massive drain on your energy consumption. By leaving it off you will not only save on energy, but your towels will last longer, too!

7. Close the door
Another small but easy change is to keep bathroom doors closed while using hot water. This traps in all the heat and steam, meaning less energy is needed to keep the room cosy. It’s free, simple and effective.
8. Upgrade your toilet
If your toilet is older, it might be time to consider a dual-flush model. They’re specifically designed to use less water per flush. It’s estimated that a person’s daily average for flushing is about 25p per day which drops down to 9p a day if you have a dual flush system.
If switching your old toilet isn’t a possibility, you could also try:
- Adding a sand or pebble-filled plastic jug or bottle to your toilet tank. By placing the jug or bottle in the toilet tank, less water is needed to fill the tank. Therefore less water will be used when you flush.
Adding a Save-A-Flush cistern displacer to achieve the same affect, saving 1.2 litres of water with every flush.
9. Switch to LED Lighting
Why not try ditching your old bulbs for energy-saving LEDs? They use up to 90% less energy and last longer, saving you around £35 annually. Bright idea, right?
Updating your bathroom to save money around the home
By making a few simple changes, you can have an energy efficient bathroom that is still your haven. Whether it’s fixing a leaky tap or swapping to LED lights, every adjustment helps your wallet—and the planet. What’s not to love?
Looking for ways to save money around the home? Visit our Beyond the Grid hub where you’ll find other helpful saving tips to help you live a little better every day.
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