Chloe, Chris and Alex, HR Apprentices – One year on

Chloe, Chris, Alex Apprentice Quote

As part of National Apprenticeship Week 2019, we met with Chris, Chloe and Alex who are completing their HR Apprenticeships with Certas Energy.

We caught up with them all, one year on to see how they have progressed and understand how completing an apprenticeship has helped develop their careers.

Chris Ellison
During the last twelve months, I have gained a wealth of experience. Particularly in the field of employee relations. I have learnt about conducting investigations and absence management.

My biggest challenge so far has been managing a wide variety of stakeholder needs across various departments

I was really pleased this year to be awarded the HR Extra mile award, which is an internal award here at Certas Energy. It was so rewarding to be recognized by my colleagues. Hard work really does pay off.

If you are considering applying for an apprenticeship, I would say go for it! I took a huge risk going into this role and I would not look back. I have gained a huge amount of experience and every day is different.

Chloe Bandy
In the last 12 months, I have gained a wide range of skills and knowledge around HR that I previously wasn’t aware of. I have also gained relevant ‘on the job’ experience which has helped with my learning along with building up my confidence and skills within my role.

It is really rewarding being acknowledged for my work and progression by my colleagues and managers. It’s nice to see that I am moving in the right direction and for other people to see how far I’ve come.

Completing an apprenticeship with Certas Energy is a great opportunity to gain on the job experience as well as building up your skills and knowledge around your role whilst you are learning.

Alex Bandy
I have gained a wealth of experience from my role during the last twelve months. I started knowing absolutely nothing about HR and now I am confident in my ability and fully integrated into the team.

During my apprenticeship I have learnt to be more independent and trust my ability as well as pushing myself to focus on not only my personal development but to also be the best I can be in my daily role.

My biggest challenge is to keep myself motivated and energised as it is a steep learning curve so I have had to pick myself up when I have been pushed to my limits as the only person who can help you is yourself.

My biggest reward has been completing all of my assignments with good marks as that is something I really did struggle with.

If anyone was considering an apprenticeship, I would say go for it. I started with no experience or knowledge and I am now a permanent member of the HRSS team and have chosen my career path.

If you have enjoyed reading about our Apprentices’ experiences and would like more details about apprenticeships at Certas Energy, please visit our careers page:

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