Regularly checking how much oil is in your home heating oil tank will prevent you from running out of fuel when you least expect it. Taking accurate readings will help you plan your heating oil deliveries, so you will always have what you need.
Why is Monitoring Home Heating Oil Usage So Important?
Keeping track of your home heating oil level will help prevent you from running out unexpectedly. Finding that you have no heating or hot water is not ideal. But, if the worst does happen we’re here to help.
What Happens if You Run Out of Oil?
If you do run out of heating oil, the first thing is not to panic. It may not be ideal, but running out of fuel isn’t dangerous. Your heating system has safety features that will disable the burners if the oil runs dry.
However, it’s always best to arrange a new delivery sooner rather than later. By letting your oil tank run dry, you run the risk of sediment gathering at the bottom of your fuel oil tank. A buildup of sediment can cause damage which may result in costly repairs.
What is the Best Way to Avoid Running Out of Heating Oil?
The best way to avoid running out of heating oil is with effective oil level monitoring. As soon as you spot that you need a top up, you can place a delivery order with our friendly team.
It’s also important to remember that you’ll probably use more heating oil during the colder months. Be sure to order your refill in advance to avoid any unexpected chilly nights.

How to Check Your Heating Oil Level
There are a few different ways to check your heating oil tank level so you can choose the one that works best for you.
The FoxRadar Smart Oil Monitor
The FoxRader makes tank oil monitoring easy. This smart heating oil monitor gives you complete control of your oil consumption, all from a handy mobile app.
You can monitor the level of heating oil from anywhere, at any time. You’ll even get an alert when your tank oil is running low for complete peace of mind.
Float Oil Tank Gauge
A float gauge is a cheaper and more manual way of oil tank level monitoring. It includes a small, floating container that attaches to a gauge.
One benefit of using a float gauge is that installation is simple. All you need to do is screw the gauge to the top of your tank. Then, the clever floating device will measure how much oil you have in your tank.
It’s worth noting that the readings from a float gauge won’t be exact. Instead it will probably show you how full the tank is in quarters. For example, one-quarter full, half full and so on. For complete accuracy, you will need a digital or smart device.
Dipstick for Heating Oil Tanks
Using a dipstick is a manual way of checking how much oil remains in the tank.
This method works in much the same way you would check oil in a car. Using a long straight piece of wood, lower it through the tank’s valve until it reaches the bottom of the tank. When you lift the stick out, you can see how much the oil covers the stick.
If your regular monitor is broken, using a dipstick may work in a pinch. But with so many other simple methods for measuring the oil in your tank, it’s probably one to only use in an emergency.
When Should I Arrange a Heating Oil Delivery?

We recommend ordering heating oil when your oil tank gauge shows that your tank has less than a quarter of oil left. Try not to wait until your tank is nearly empty. Sometimes unpredictable weather can cause delivery delays, so it’s always best to prepare in advance.
Certas Energy can deliver to locations across England, Scotland and Wales. We’ll deliver your fuel to you on the date stated in your quote. Or if there’s no set date, we guarantee delivery within 30 days.
Find out more about heating oil top ups and when you should fill your oil tank.