Macmillan Cancer Support – Let’s beat cancer together!

Macmillan Cancer Support Image

One of our own is taking on a massive challenge to help support people living with cancer.

Carlton Joseph, Depot Operations Supervisor, is taking part in a 100 mile bike ride around the London and Surrey area. The Prudential Ride London is taking place in August 2019.

Carlton has chosen to support the cancer charity, Macmillan as he wants to support everyone living with cancer to live life to the full.

He said: “Macmillan is a charity that’s close to all our hearts as we will all know someone who have used the services the charity offers. The money I raise will help a number of people get the support and care they need. Together, we can make a difference.”

With our support and generosity, Carlton hopes to reach his target of £600. If you would like to help Carlton raise as much money as possible for this amazing cause, please donate here –

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