Achieving Greater Visibility Of Fleet Fuel Consumption

Monitoring fuel usage, vehicle performance and driver behaviour are all key to making informed resource planning decisions and optimising fuel efficiency. Without having access to the ‘bigger picture’ of fleet fuel consumption to see when, where and how much fuel is dispensed – and by whom – fuel management can become little more than guesswork.
Here we explore the top five challenges facing fleet managers when it comes to fuel consumption and the fuel management solutions that can help overcome them.

Challenge 1: Creating A Clear Fuel Usage Audit Trail

  • Fuel access systems supply data that can help transport businesses to monitor when, where and how much fuel is dispensed
  • Fuel monitoring and reporting systems enable businesses to identify short-term anomalies in consumption or use longer-term trends and insights to make more informed decisions on strategic fleet planning.
  • Fuel cards add another measure of security for transport businesses, regulating access to fuel while drivers are on the road and creating accountability to minimise the risk of fraud.

Challenge 2: Improving Driver Efficiency

  • If a driver leaves an engine idling while stationary, or practices poor acceleration or braking habits, they could be contributing to increased fuel consumption and ultimately greater costs.
  • Evidence shows that improved ‘eco-driving’ habits can reduce HGV fuel spend and increase MPG.
  • Data produced by telematics systems, such as Certas Energy Fuel Trace, enables businesses to monitor fuel consumption and driver behaviour while a vehicle is on the road.Transport operators can leverage these insights to highlight where more fuel efficient behaviours could be adopted and workforce training is required to improve driver performance.

Challenge 3: Protecting On-Site Fuel Stocks

  • Fuel management and telemetry systems offer transport businesses complete peace of mind that their fuel is protected and secure, granting total visibility and control over a business’ fuel stocks.
  • Security devices such as fobs, locks and key codes help to keep a fuel supply safe from theft by ensuring that only authorised staff have access to refuel.
  • Telemetry systems are able to alert to sudden drops in fuel levels, which can indicate a leak or theft.

Challenge 4: Maintaining A Reliable Fuel Supply

  • In-built telemetry solutions are able to monitor fuel within tanks and can automate deliveries when levels run low, meaning fleets can be confident of an uninterrupted fuel supply.
  • Partnering with a reliable fuel supplier that offers local service and convenient delivery times can ensure a fleet stays topped up. A fuel partner should also be able to provide expert advice tailored to the needs of your business.

Challenge 5: Controlling Fuel Spend

  • Certas Energy’s ControlMAX solution grants fleet managers greater control over driver refuelling behaviours. By allowing users to dictate where, when and how much fuel drivers can draw, ControlMAX further protects businesses from fraudulent behaviour and helps transport businesses manage fuel costs more effectively.
Without accurate, real-time insights into fuel usage, issues such as inefficient driving, theft and fraud may go unnoticed with a detrimental impact on a business’ bottom line. The right fuel management solutions can reduce risk and deliver greater cost savings for more efficient everyday operations.

To find out more about how Certas Energy can support your transport business with more than just fuel.

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