Winter Warmer: How to Save Your Business Money by Switching Heating Oil


Businesses across the country rely on liquid fuels to heat their offices and factories, yet many have seen the costs associated with heating their premises skyrocket as energy prices rise. As reliance on heating systems grows in the cold winter weather, businesses must carefully manage their heating costs to avoid them spiralling out of control. 

Luckily, there is a lower cost option available to businesses using gas oil for heating and for those looking to get ahead of the weather, making the switch to Therma35 commercial heating oil will provide immediate and on-going cost savings.

What is Therma35?

Therma35 is a cost effective alternative to conventional gas oil for heating applications and will save your business money. Therma35 meets BS2869 Class D for heating applications and can be used across a complete range of commercial boilers, dryers and heaters without compromising on heating output or performance.

How can it save my business money?

As well as being a cheaper alternative to conventional gas oil, Therma35 offers a range of added-value benefits that can help to save businesses money. The fuel’s long-term storage stability and zero bio content means it can be bought in bulk and stored all year round without the risk of spoilage.

Conventional gas oil is supplied as summer or winter grade depending on the time of year. When the cold weather sets in, any summer grade gas oil remaining in-tank risks the formation of wax crystals which can clog pipes and prevent the oil from flowing out of the tank. This can result in the heating system shutting down when needed most and could potentially require costly maintenance to rectify. Therma35 meets winter grade all year round, eliminating the risk of waxing and any resultant disruption – meaning businesses can be confident of uninterrupted heating, no matter the weather.

Won’t switching heating oil cause disruption to my business?

For many businesses, one of the most significant barriers to implementing a new heating oil is the potential for disruption when making the switch. As a drop-in replacement fuel, Therma35 offers immediate cost savings without interrupting your heating provision.

Therma35 can be added to existing tanks without having to empty them beforehand or make any modifications, enabling businesses to make the switch to a more economical alternative with confidence.

Having the right heating oil, fuel, lubricants and additives – and a reliable supply of them – is essential to keeping businesses moving through the winter months. To ensure your business never runs short of heating oil, we offer extended delivery throughout the season from each of our 150 depots across the UK.

Click here to find out more about how our high-performance fuels, heating oils, lubricants and storage tanks can help keep your business moving all year round.

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