Shining a light on what matters most this National Lorry Week

As National Lorry Week commences, the Road Haulage Association (RHA) is encouraging the nation to shine a light for the people that deliver 98% of our essential consumer goods – including food, medicine and fuel. The tribute, scheduled for 8pm on Thursday 19 November, is designed to bring into focus the vital work of an industry that feels misunderstood, undervalued and, understandably, overwhelmed by the imminent impact of Brexit.

This newly introduced initiative is especially pertinent amidst the second UK lockdown. But as well as giving our #HGVHeroes the recognition they deserve, it’s important we also use this platform to shine a light on the, often overlooked, issues that impact our hauliers day in, day out.

Safe and secure

Drivers have long lobbied for secure parking, improved roadside facilities and the means to access – at the very least – a clean and safe pitstop, after many hours on the road. Issues that only stand to be exacerbated as queuing and congestion is predicted when the Brexit border controls come into force.

That’s why we’re continuing to build a network of strategically located bunker sites along key logistics routes. These facilities are designed with drivers’ needs in-mind. Allowing fast refuelling and ample space, so that large vehicles have ease of manoeuvrability. In addition to being fitted with sensors and alarms for further peace of mind.

Built with you in mind

Included in our growing portfolio of 26 sites to-date, is the recently opened Port of Southampton, which features high speed refuelling pumps – accommodating up to eight HGVs at any one time. While others are placed at truck stops offering an array of facilities, including 24 hour CCTV, restaurants, diners and wash rooms, such as our Red Lion HGV Refuelling Bunker Site.

With a fleet of 900 tankers ourselves, we understand life on the road and the vital role our drivers play in keeping the business moving – not least the nation. We give big thanks to our own #HGVHeroes this #NationalLorryWeek and hope that by seeking to better serve the industry’s needs, we’re putting a spotlight on what matters most to those actually putting in the miles.

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