Onboard Telematics FAQs

FuelTrace is the telematics solution from Certas Energy that provides fleet managers with full visibility of their fleet – no matter how many vehicles they operate or where they are.

Here, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions about FuelTrace: what it does, how it works and where fleets can benefit from installing this comprehensive solution.

What is FuelTrace?

FuelTrace is a telematics system that collects relevant data to support effective fleet management. It can be used as a standalone fleet management solution, or in conjunction with fuel card data for a full picture of fleet fuel spend and vehicle activity. Read up on the full features here.

How does it work?

FuelTrace uses a ‘black box’-type device that is installed into a fleet’s vehicles to record information about a vehicle and its location. Once installed, FuelTrace uses GPS technology, onboard diagnostics data and fuel card data to record information and present it back to the fleet manager in an easy-to-use dashboard.

What information does FuelTrace track?

The system tracks vehicle location (viewable via a Live Map), journey history, driver behaviour (including speeding, harsh acceleration, harsh braking and idling) and vehicle performance. When integrated with a Certas Energy Fuel Card, FuelTrace also provides accurate MPG measurements and a clear picture of fleet fuel spend.

Does FuelTrace require any added upkeep or maintenance?

No. FuelTrace automatically downloads software updates to ensure that fleet managers will always be working with the latest features. In fact, FuelTrace can save your business time by reducing administration and integrating with other management systems for a comprehensive overview of your fleet. 

How can it help save my fleet money?

The wide range of data collected by FuelTrace supports fleet managers to increase productivity, improve fuel economy and save money on vehicle maintenance. FuelTrace helps fleet managers boost productivity with enhanced route planning and journey tracking, allowing them to allocate jobs based on vehicle location for more efficient service.

When it comes to fuel economy, if a driver leaves an engine idling while stationary, or practices poor acceleration or braking habits, they could be contributing to increased fuel consumption and ultimately greater costs. FuelTrace data enables fleet managers to monitor fuel consumption and driver behaviour while a vehicle is on the road. Fleet managers can leverage these insights to highlight where workforce training is required to encourage more fuel efficient driving behaviours.

Having a record of a vehicle’s last service and daily checks from drivers can help fleet managers identify when maintenance is required – helping to prevent a small issue from growing into a more costly problem.

FuelTrace can also save businesses money through fraud prevention. Geo-fencing functionality enables fleet managers to monitor when vehicles leave and arrive chosen areas, while Geo-Plus supports users to quickly identify fuel card misuse to prevent unauthorised spending.

How do drivers benefit from FuelTrace?

Information supplied by FuelTrace helps fleet managers deliver training for drivers and reduce the potential for road accidents. FuelTrace scores each driver on their driving habits from 0-100, with 100 being the best score. Fleet managers can use this information to create bespoke training programmes for drivers to help them improve their score and – by extension – protect drivers and the public from poor driving behaviours.

Drivers can also benefit from the Fleet Vehicle Check app. Enabling drivers to perform daily checks and other admin tasks from their phones, the app does away with paper vehicle check sheets to save drivers time and effort.

What if I use my vehicle for both private and business purposes?

FuelTrace’s Privacy feature allows specified vehicle trackers to be disabled during set customisable time periods. This will stop trackers recording vehicle movements and location data during the times it is being used for private purposes.

What kind of reporting capability does FuelTrace offer?

FuelTrace enables fleet managers to access a range of Excel and PDF reports, all of which can be easily incorporated into wider business management reports. The system is able to produce reports on:
● Daily driver timesheets
● Business/private mileage
● Speeding, idling, out of hours usage
● Annual tests, services, tax and insurance

FuelTrace also reports on daily vehicle checks through the Fleet Vehicle Check app. Downloadable from the App Store and Google Play, drivers can use Fleet Vehicle Check to record and report all their daily check information, such as mileage and interior/exterior component status. This is then logged and centralised within FuelTrace for easy access and a full audit trail.

When drivers go off track and time is of the essence, FuelTrace delivers real-time SMS and email alerts based on geo-fenced areas or driving events. These notifications provide key information on where your vehicles are and how they are being driven, covering out of hours fuel or vehicle misuse, speeding, idling and power loss in the case of possible unit tampering.

Where do I access my reports?

Fleet managers can access FuelTrace’s wide range of reports by logging in to the browser-based dashboard here. The FuelTrace mobile app for Android and iOS also offers on-the-go fleet managers an overview of the FuelTrace dashboard with Live Map viewing and driver/vehicle performance feedback.

Does FuelTrace integrate with any fuel management systems?

Yes. FuelTrace integrates with the Sapphire fuel management system to offer fleet management total visibility. Combined with Sapphire, FuelTrace offers the most comprehensive monitoring, management and maintenance system on the market – helping fleet managers to save money, maximise visibility and leverage greater control over their most valuable assets.

Can I remove or swap a FuelTrace tracker?

FuelTrace offers added flexibility to change with your business. Users can also add or remove vehicles at any time without penalties or termination fees.

We know that circumstances change and fleet managers may want to remove a FuelTrace device or swap a tracker from one vehicle to another. In order to protect against any damage to the vehicle and avoid compromising vehicle warranties, we recommend getting in touch with us directly to book in an engineer who will be able to remove the device professionally.

Is FuelTrace delivered on a long-term contract?

Signing up to FuelTrace on a long-term contract is entirely optional. Customers can choose to adopt FuelTrace on a month-by-month basis, or to contract for between 12-36 months at a reduced rate. Furthermore, clear pricing and competitive monthly service fees means you won’t get caught out by hidden charges.

How much does FuelTrace cost?

Beyond the one-off installation fee (starting at £25 and scaled on the number of units), we offer flexible and transparent pricing options for introducing FuelTrace to your fleet. To use FuelTrace on a month-by-month basis, prices start at £12 per unit, per month. If you choose to commit to a 12-36 month contract, this drops to £10 per unit, per month.

Want to know more about FuelTrace?

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