Container to Prevent Fuel Theft

Be on red alert: Preventing fuel theft on-site

The impact of the recent red diesel duty changes is being keenly felt by businesses across the country, with multiple sectors no longer eligible to use rebated red diesel fuel.

Although the significant duty increase is the most pressing concern, making the switch from red diesel to more expensive alternatives has come with other issues. The absence of the tell-tale red-dye, combined with increasingly high cost, makes white diesel and other permitted fuels more attractive theft targets – leading to an increase in fuel theft across the UK.

This rise in fuel crime was anticipated by the Civil Engineering Contractors Association, who predicted diesel theft to be “the new growth industry” in 2022.

So how can business owners keep their site and fuel secure? Top tips from Certas Energy fuel experts:

1. Think smart when it comes to tanks and features

Choosing the right with robust security features is vital in theft prevention. Consider portable tanks and locations – mobile tanks can be easily moved around to different locations and locked up in secure areas when not in use. Security features are often optional extras and are increasingly standard to deter fuel theft including locks, fobs and key codes.

2. Step up your site security

Ensuring your worksite is well-secured is key, particularly for busy construction sites or similarly exposed locations. Make sure access is restricted to authorised personnel only, that parameters are regularly maintained and security signage is in place and highly visible. Consider investing in enhanced security measures, eg motion-triggered lighting, sensor cameras, smart alarm systems or regular security patrols – all deterrents and make it difficult for thieves to avoid detection.

3. Switch to digital, real-time fuel monitoring

A telemetry system can be fitted wirelessly to your bulk fuel storage tanks, enabling remote fuel monitoring and real-time reporting. With FuelWise, automatic alerts are triggered in the event of a sudden drop in fuel levels, which may indicate theft or a leak. As soon as an unusual drop in fuel levels is detected, an alert is pushed through to every registered device, allowing for quick response. Up to five tanks can be remotely managed with the FuelWise mobile app, providing convenience and flexibility for busy site managers.

4. Protect your fuel

Diesel Defender is an easy-to-implement solution that can help to deter fuel theft of non-rebated fuel and prevent financial loss. The liquid blue marker dye colours white diesel, also known as road diesel or DERV, to produce a green fuel, making it distinguishable from diesel purchased for personal use. It acts as a powerful deterrent to thieves as it improves fuel traceability, impacts resale value, and exposes non-commercial use. 

Protecting your assets, the right way. Fuel security is fast-becoming a business priority for every diesel-dependent sector. For expert and bespoke advice on how to keep your fuel secure, get in touch today.

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