Hannah Award

Congratulations Hannah Ward, UKIFDA Young Person of the Year Award 2022

We already know we have a lot of talented colleagues amongst us but it is always great when others recognise it too.

On Thursday 27th April Customer Services Relations Advisor Hannah was named UKIFDA Young Person of the Year against some tough competition. 

Hannah’s manager Aileen Till was not surprised by her win; “Hannah has been dedicated in helping the most vulnerable and elderly customers.

Often working outside of her working hours to ensure these customers receive their fuel and that customers receive their fuel despite busy periods. She is someone who remains calm and handles pressure like a true professional.”

Hannah was not the only colleague up for an award. Holton Heath Depot were a close runner up for the prestigious depot of the year award and despite not winning, the judges commented how close the award was this year.  Well done team.

Finally, Driver Krzysztof Malik was also nominated for the UKIFDA Driver of the Year Award. A very well earned nomination and we are proud to have you driving for us Krzysztof.

We are all very proud of all this year’s UKIFDA nominations and winners – well done to all of you and thank you for your hard work.  

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