International Womens Day

It’s the 8th March it’s International Women’s Day so what better time to share another Certas Energy Colleague Journey!

Introducing Rebecca Swann!…..

Currently Rebecca is our Product Manager for Fuel and Services and is part of the Marketing Team here at Certas Energy. I say currently as Beckie has already had an illustrious career with us as she started as a temp in 2009 and has since worked in 12 different roles across the company covering sales, lubricants, supplies an adblue project, retail, national accounts and now marketing, phew! What a journey!

You may be considering “is Certas Energy for me?” ” Why would I want to work in the haulage industry?” Well read on and maybe Becky’s journey will inspire you…

Hi Becky how are you, what are you up to today?

I’m at a CIM product management course which is great it’s really helping me to get an additional perspective on product management!

Well, thanks for talking to me it’s always great to share our employee stories maybe we could start at the beginning and why you joined Certas Energy?

I started on a 3 month contract within sales and found the role and industry really interesting it was a completely different customer base to what I was used to and was a great opportunity to learn about a new industry. I have always found there to be an atmosphere of development at the company whether that be personal and career development or a desire to make improvements in how we deliver and add value to our customers. Also, over the past few years I have seen more and more female leaders emerge in the company which has personally being really inspiring for me!

What were your career aspirations when you joined the company?

I initially worked towards getting out into the field and meeting customers so I made sure I put myself forward for additional tasks and project work and I was always open and honest with my line managers so they knew my ambitions. I really drove this myself! I wanted to work towards being in a role which really added value to the business and its strategic objectives. I am really passionate about what I do so being able to accomplish this has been amazing and the company has really supported me in my desire to develop.

So what is it you do now?

I support the company strategy through product development and delivery. I work closely with the teams across the business to ensure we are meeting customer and market demand to deliver the best possible solutions. I really enjoy the exposure I get to all parts of the business – I have learnt so much about the business, especially technical knowledge. As a team we recently introduced a formal Product Development Process which passed auditing – I am really proud of this!

I love being part of the marketing team we are a really forward thinking bunch as we are always looking for new ways to remain ahead of the game.

And in your spare time it sounds like you do a lot too!?

I do triathalons – competed up to iron man level! Also I have completed the London Marathon I love taking on challenges and pushing myself whether in my personal life or at work; I find it really rewarding!

What would you say to anyone thinking of joining Certas Energy or the haulage industry?

I think the industry could be viewed as old fashioned and archaic but there is so much more to it than that! There is so much opportunity for us to do more and add more value to our customers, we are thought leaders in our industry and I love being part of that! We are a fuel provider but also so much more as we adapt to our market conditions; offering cleaner fuel and also aim to be a responsible supplier through our Cold Weather Priority Initiative.

What advice would you give to young people at school/college considering their career options?

Be tenacious and hard working and always challenge what you think may not be right. I was really introverted in the early stages of my career and I wish I had been more confident enough to express my opinion – you wouldn’t believe this now! I think it’s important to have the courage to put yourself forward! 

That’s been really interesting thanks Beckie for taking the time to talk to me and share your story – enjoy the rest of your course!

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