Andrew Goodwin, National Bunker Manager, undertaking MBA Degree Apprenticeship

Andy Goodwin National Bunker Management Apprentice Quote

Andy is a National Bunker Manager at Certas Energy. He is also completing his MBA Degree Apprenticeship.

Last year we interviewed Andy to ask him how he was finding his MBA Degree Apprenticeship and what attracted him to apply. You can watch the video here

Now in his second year, Andy explains how the Masters Apprenticeship is directly benefitting his work:
“I have been able to link all of the theory directly to our business, which has been invaluable; and wherever possible I have conducted interviews with the subject specialists to find out more about individual areas within the business. For example, after completing the Leading, Managing and Developing People unit, I returned to the business and interviewed our Apprenticeship Manager and HR Manager. I could see where the theory had been implemented in previous projects and gained a better understanding as a result”.

Andy Goodwin Magazine Article

Andy was recently featured in the Manchester Metropolitan University Apprenticeship MBA brochure, take a look to read his full interview here.

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