Issue date: Tuesday 24 March 2020
Continuing to deliver fuel to our customers
The UK government has classified oil supply and distribution (as well as supply of food and necessary goods), as essential services and therefore we will continue to service our customers and deliver their fuel.
Given the current circumstances, please be aware that we are experiencing a much higher demand than usual across some sectors and particularly from our domestic customers. We are therefore prioritising deliveries in-line with government guidance which may result in delayed deliveries for some. Please rest assured, that as the UK’s largest independent fuel distributor, Certas Energy has a resilient infrastructure and robust business continuity plan to assure fuel supply and deliveries.
A copy of the Certas Energy Business Continuity Plan is available separately upon request.
Business continuity
Certas Energy is the largest independent distributor of liquid fuels in the UK. As such we provide essential heating oil and road fuel to the domestic residential, NHS, military, care homes, government and other vital sectors.
We are proactively reviewing our Business Continuity Plans and revising appropriately as the situation and/or government guidance changes. This identifies potential risks in the fuel supply chain as well as key activities, staffing levels and technology requirements for sustained remote working.
Inevitably, the COVID-19 pandemic will have an effect on our normal business operations and we will make decisions based on government advice, priority need and vulnerable customers.
Certas Energy continually invests in technology and infrastructure to ensure that the business is both robust and adaptable to be able to respond and cope with significant and potentially disruptive events such as the coronavirus.
We have an extensive network of facilities, drivers and support teams across the UK that are working well to manage demand and serve customers.
Underpinning our corporate business continuity plan, are regional and local arrangements that are managed by key personnel with contingency plans in place that have been stress-tested and are under continuous review as the situation evolves.
We are also working closely with the Government, our suppliers and industry trade associations to ensure contingency in the supply of fuel.
A copy of the Certas Energy Business Continuity Plan is available separately upon request.
Overview of our plans and actions already taken :
Our priority is the health and wellbeing of all our people and customers and to ensure our operations continue as effectively as possible.
We have already taken several actions to prevent the risk of infection spreading at our locations and can confirm that none of our employees has yet contracted Coronavirus.
Full alignment with daily government briefings and advice, including but not restricted to:
• Identification of people who are at an increased risk of developing severe illness if they contract Covid-19, eg if they have serious underlying health conditions as per Monday 16th March advice, to work from home if at all possible or to self-isolate.
• Extension of remote working to all staff able to or not supporting office/depot/field based colleagues. Introduction of rotation working in offices where feasible.
• Total travel ban unless authorised by leadership team
• No external visitors to any site unless an emergency or approved by a leadership team member
Prioritising customers in the event of any disruption in the fuel supply chain
We have a robust mechanism in place which ensures those customers who are already segmented on a ‘priority needs basis’, will always take priority in the event of any fuel shortage. This will be as well guided by government instruction. The protection of life is critical at all times. Needs-based prioritisation is in line with government guidance, for example protection of life/prevention of death, ie “blue lights” emergency services, hospitals, nursing/care homes, schools, ear-marked retail sites, ‘cold weather priority’ customers (elderly and/or vulnerable domestic fuel users).
Certas Energy’s response to the evolving situation resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic is continually under review and our response strategies and plans are being refreshed and communicated to all stakeholders as appropriate.
Please direct any additional or specific queries to our Head of National Accounts, Darren Holloway –