First Look: Evolo from Certas Energy Unveils New Solar Calculator

As energy bills continue to soar across the UK, Evolo from Certas Energy, have teased the launch of a new Solar Calculator.

Our thriving renewable energy division Evolo debuted the bespoke savings estimator tool – designed for both domestic and commercial customers – at this week’s Grand Designs Live event, hosted at ExCeL London.

Great! So what is it?

Evolo’s Solar Calculator empowers homeowners and businesses to take back control by providing them with a personalised annual and lifetime savings estimate based on their building type.

The powerful new tool – still in early development – demonstrates the benefits of having less reliance on the National Grid, and even illustrates a real-life breakdown of your daily solar usage.

Take a look at our Solar Savings Calculator in action below:

How does it work?

While the calculator is still in its infancy, this sneak preview shows how key data can be inputted to provide an accurate savings estimate with an all-in-one, future-proof Solar and Battery Storage solution.

The simple and user-friendly tool asks about building type, location, roof type, and current energy consumption. It then provides an instant savings report.

With survey, specification, installation, and maintenance services, Evolo make it easy for you to transition to alternative energies.

How much can you save with solar? Click here to speak to the dedicated Evolo team to find out…

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