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How to Cut Costs and Save Money at Home

As the cost of living crisis continues, more and more people are looking for ways to cut costs and save money at home. Whether you’re living on a tight budget or are saving for something big, there are plenty of ways to cut back on your expenses.

Not sure where to start? We’re sharing our top cost of living crisis tips to help you work towards your saving goals. Read on to find out more.

8 Tips On How to Save Money

1. Look For Yellow Stickered Items in Supermarkets

Supermarkets often reduce the prices of products that are nearing their best before date, to prevent them going in the bin at the end of each day. Buying these items, instead of paying full price, is a great way to help you save on your weekly food shop.

From fruits and vegetables to seafood and meat, these yellow stickered items are usually tucked away on an end-aisle in the supermarket. So keep an eye out and stock up on food that you can freeze for later.

2. Use Energy-Saving Air Fryers

Did you know, air fryers are more energy-efficient and economical than other cooking methods? They cook food at a high temperature which is roughly the same as a conventional oven, but the key difference is: air fryers heat up faster and cook meals in a fraction of the time.

As air fryers use hot air to cook food, you can achieve the same crispy texture as fried food without using as much oil. This not only makes your meals healthier, but it also saves you money on oil and reduces the amount of time and energy you spend cooking.

What’s more, air fryers are a great way to reduce food waste as they cook small portions and can reheat leftovers too! Looking for more ways to reduce your impact on the planet? Read our handy guide to living a more sustainable lifestyle. 

3. Cut Back on Subscriptions and Memberships

In this world of never-ending entertainment, it’s easy to sign up to subscriptions and memberships then forget about them. Take a look at your transactions and list the subscription services you’re paying for.

Are there any you could do without? Whether it’s streaming services or fitness apps, try cancelling some temporarily to see whether or not you miss them. These savings may seem small, but they really add up in the long term.

4. Download a Budgeting App

Long gone are the days of using a pen-and-paper budgeting book, thanks to the large number of apps that’ll help you fix your finances. With a budgeting app on your phone, you can easily access your financial information on the go. Ultimately, this will make it easier for you to set financial goals (and stick to them), identify areas where you may be overspending, and stay on top of your budget.

5. Try a ‘No Spend’ Weekend

Set yourself a ‘no spend weekend’ every month if you can. This doesn’t mean you have to stay cooped up inside, though. Activities like going on walks, movie nights, board games, and free museums are a great way to have fun whilst saving money. And if you use up any leftover food from the week as well, this can make your salary go further!

6. Check Your Utility Providers

Comparison websites allow you to compare quotes, to see if you could be paying less for household expenses, such as gas, electricity or broadband.

Even saving a small amount each month can really add up over the course of a year. For example: if you’re able to switch to a cheaper energy supplier, try putting the amount of money you’ve saved into your savings account. You could do this via direct debit so you don’t even have to think about it.

At Certas Energy, we offer a range of flexible payment plans. Whether your choose monthly direct debit instalments or pay as you go, managing and paying for your energy couldn’t be easier.

7. Repair Small Things As Soon As Possible

When something in your home is starting to show signs of wear and tear, don’t delay repairs. For example, a small boiler leak can turn into a major repair project that drains your bank account. The same is true for your car too.

If you’re looking to keep your boiler in check all year round, discover our 7 top tips for oil boiler care and maintenance. Or check out our Boiler Care Plans, carried out by OFTEC registered engineers. 

8. Stock Up On Heating Oil When Prices Are Low

The price of heating oil fluctuates throughout the year, based on various factors like supply and demand. The best time to buy heating oil is typically summer. It may sound counterintuitive, but when the weather is warm and households use their heating less, the demand for heating oil is low.

Therefore, to ensure you get the best energy prices, consider bulk buying your oil in the summer months, before autumn and winter hits. 

At Certas Energy, we provide Standard Kerosene and Premium Kerosene at competitive prices you can trust. Simply fill out our quick online form for an instant quote – it couldn’t be easier.

We understand that the cost of living crisis is a worrying time for many households across the UK. By following just a few of these simple money-saving hacks, you can make your money go further.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team for further guidance or read our handy guide on how to save money on your heating oil bills.

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