Post-Brexit Arrangements Statement

Updated: 24 March 2021

As the UK’s largest fuel distributor, Certas Energy took all possible precautionary steps to ensure continuity of supply for the possible outcomes and resulting consequences of trade talks between the European Union and the UK.

Those negotiations resulted in a deal being reached with the European Union, which came into force when the transition period ended on 31st December 2020 at 11pm GMT.

We had prepared ourselves thoroughly in advance as well as during these trade negotiations and developed comprehensive contingency plans for all anticipated potential scenarios.

We are delighted that the previous uncertainty has been removed as a result of the free trade agreement. Although there will be differences under this deal, any disruption has so far been, and we expect will remain to be, minimal with no material impact to Certas Energy or to our supply chain. We are pleased to confirm that our detailed preparations have ensured continued security of supply for all our customers.

We remain in daily liaison with all relevant authorities and continue to closely monitor the situation as UK industry adapts and transitions to the new arrangements.

Please direct any additional or specific queries to our  Director of Corporate Affairs, Angus Blundell–

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