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Responsible business

Working in partnership with our customers and communities to positively manage our social, environmental or economic impact.

Fuelling a sustainable business

Being a safe, responsible and sustainable business is at the centre of our strategy for growth.
This means understanding and managing the impacts for the communities that we operate in and serve, whilst working in partnership with our customers to support their social value aspirations and goals.


People and communities

We are committed to our people and communities through the provision of equal opportunity local employment, skills development and training for our people, apprenticeships and community support through financial donation, fundraising and resource or skills provision.


Safety and environment

Our first priority is the safety of our employees, contractors, customers and other persons affected by our business activities. Everything we do is begins with ‘Safety First’ – nothing we do is so important that it cannot always be done safely, every time.

As the natural environment comes under unsustainable pressure from human activity, we take our responsibility very seriously and continually look to reduce waste streams, manage environmentally harmful substances and conserve resources.


Responsible business

We aim to create a sustainable business by ensuring that we operate responsibly in everything that we do. As a responsible business, the areas we focus on, led by our parent company DCC Plc, place great focus on guidance beyond minimum compliance with robust policies and practice to promote excellence in Business Conduct, People & Communities, Environment and Safety.


Fuelling communities

Get to know more about the initiatives and partnerships that are delivering more than just fuel to the communities we work with.

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