Nathan Krauze – Area Operations Manager

Having successfully completed the ILM Level 3 Management Apprenticeship, Nathan wanted to take his learning further and has recently enrolled onto Level 5.

“I was appointed to the role of Area Operations Manager whilst undertaking the L3 course and was able to put the training that I received into practice tracking performance with more analytics, implementing more management models and approaching every situation differently with an improved emotional intelligence.”

Why an apprenticeship was right for me
I am constantly looking to improve myself, learn new skills and build upon my knowledge. I knew the Level 5 course would help me to continue developing my management skills and allow me to challenge myself to do more.

I have grown in confidence and become a better People Manager; I am able to understand my team better, how they might be feeling and what motivates them.

Working and learning through lockdown has been tough particularly as our Drivers are classed as key workers and as their manager, it is my responsibility to ensure that I am there to support them.

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