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Growing concerns over the impact air pollution levels in the UK are having on our health and the environment, combined with a focus on the impact farming has on natural ecosystems, means reducing emissions from diesel machinery is becoming an increasingly important consideration for farmers.
This year, Northfield Farms adopted GTL Fuel, a cleaner burning alternative to diesel supplied by Certas Energy, to power a cleaner and more productive harvest. George Palmer,Assistant Farm Manager at Northfield Farms discussed the results and benefits following the switch:
After using GTL Fuel supplied by Certas Energy this harvest
in a variety of Fendt,New Holland and JCB tractors, we noticed
the difference immediately.We previously had problems with water
contamination in the tractor fuel tanks but the improved
storage and stability of GTL have rectified these issues.
We also reduced our AdBlue® usage.The fact we didn’t have to make
any changes to our engines or tanks was a huge advantage
and it’s great to know that we’re reducing our impact
on the environment without affecting our productivity.
Part of the paraffinic family of fuels, GTL Fuel has been proven to reduce emission levels of harmful pollutants such as nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) to immediately improve local air quality, along with many other benefits.
As a drop-in replacement for diesel, no modifications are required to existing machinery, vehicles or storage set-ups. This means there are no interruptions to productivity and you don’t need to invest in any expensive upgrades
The fuel produces less odour, no smoke and quieter engine noise than conventional diesel, creating a healthier and more pleasant environment for workers spending long days operating machinery.
At low temperatures, the free flow of diesel fuel may be impeded by the blocking of fuel lines and filters by particles. With a high cetane number, GTL Fuel has excellent low temperature performance, with improved cold start – handy in those colder months.
With its reduced risk of bio-contamination resulting in longer life, GTL Fuel has improved storage and stability, again helpful in the winter months when you’re using less fuel.
Free of unwanted components such as sulphur, metals, and aromatics GTL Fuel is non-toxic, biodegradable and less harmful to the environment. Tests have shown that the fuel was undetectable in soil 51 days after being introduced.
As an immediately available solution that is approved by John Deere and many other OEMs, farms can benefit from switching to a low emission fuel today.
Certas Energy is part of DDC Energy, of DCC plc
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