Top tips for winter operations

As the nights draw in, and we start seeing the first frosts of the year, businesses up and down the country are preparing for winter. To help you get ready for the cold snap, we’ve pulled together our list of top tips to make sure your business is fuelled up and able to make cost savings. From keeping your colleagues warm in the office, to preventing freezing pipes or seized up manufacturing processes, industrial heating oils are never more important than in the autumn and winter period.

Choose the right fuels

With temperatures dropping, choosing the right fuel is vital to keep your business running smoothly. Whether that’s for keeping operations moving or for heating the office, choosing fuels that offer long term stability in varying temperatures can ensure that your winter goes without a hitch.

This period is a great time to re-evaluate the fuels you use for your operations, an alternative option in Therma35, an industrial heating oil that meets BS2869 Class D for heating applications, can be used across a complete range of commercial boilers, dryers and heaters without compromising on heating output or performance.

Don't run on empty

Heating offices and buildings, processing, manufacturing and boiling are energy intensive processes consuming a high volume of fuel. As well as burning more slowly than conventional gas oil, Therma35 industrial heating oil offers a range of added-value benefits. Unlike red diesel, the fuel’s long-term storage stability, winter-grade and zero bio content means it can be bought in bulk and stored all year round without the risk of spoilage, interruption or waxing. Assure your supply during a cold snap by making sure you closely monitor your fuel levels.

Order early

Certas Energy are experienced in winter deliveries, our fleet of over 900 tankers keep moving in all conditions. We are committed to getting your deliveries to you on time, stay ahead of the changing weather and order early over the winter to assure your supply over the coldest months of the year. Our drop-in industrial heating oils allow for more flexibility when ordering and significant savings against alternatives, like Class A2 gas oil.

Use a fuel expert

With huge demand shifting across the seasons – from the air conditioning needed in summer to the heaters in the winter – having a fuel supplier in place that understands your needs is key.

Our specialist local teams work closely with your business to provide bespoke solutions that meet your changing seasonal requirements, with dedicated Account Managers ready to provide expert fuel advice.

Discover how Certas Energy can keep you fuelled up and fully prepared this winter.

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