
Zemo’s new energy transition guide for HGV fleet operators champions Certas Energy HVO adoption

Certas Energy’s successful energy transition to HVO has been championed in Zemo Partnership’s new Renewable Fuels Guide, serving as inspiration for transport businesses looking to lower their own carbon footprint. 

A leading HVO supplier in the UK, Certas Energy has been featured as a case study in Zemo’s latest guide, demonstrating the power of the renewable diesel to fuel a lower emissions future for heavy duty vehicle (HDV) fleets.

By switching part of its own fleet to HVO, Certas Energy exceeded its 2025 carbon reduction target three years ahead of schedule. It is now in the process of rolling out Certas Energy HVO – which cuts up to 90 per cent of fuel-related GHG emissions – across its delivery fleet. Certas Energy expects to transition to using over four million litres of renewable HVO fuel annually, with 20% of its suitable fleet switching to HVO in the run up to 2025.

As well as shining a spotlight on Certas Energy’s successful transition to HVO, the case study also underlined the value of Certas Energy becoming a Recognised Fuel Supplier under Zemo’s Renewable Fuels Assurance Scheme (RFAS). The accreditation demonstrates that Certas Energy HVO meets the highest product standards and reassures fleet operators that they are purchasing bulk supplies of guaranteed and reportable sustainable fuel.

The Renewable Fuels Guide: a roadmap to net zero  
The Renewable Fuels Guide is a valuable resource for the industry designed to help fleet operators make informed decisions about low carbon fuel options and make important steps towards net zero. 

Niki Holt, Head of Commercial for Certas Energy said: “There is no well-trodden path on the journey to net zero, nor is there a ‘silver bullet’ solution for decarbonisation.

“As a member of Zemo Partnership, we’re committed to working with partners across the energy industry to support businesses in tackling the energy ‘trilemma’ with practical and effective solutions to accelerate their sustainability efforts.

“Renewable fuels such as HVO have the potential to play a significant role in plugging the gap to net zero and this guide provides businesses with persuasive evidence and practical guidance to take their next step with their energy transition strategy.”

Fuelling a cleaner future for fleets 
According to the Zemo Partnership, GHG emissions from the UK’s HGVs could be cut by an extra 46 million tonnes over the next seven years (2030) if an average of 30% renewable fuel was adopted across existing HGV fleets.

Certas Energy is a trusted and transparent energy transition partner for the transport sector and is well-positioned to help fleet businesses to achieve their sustainability targets. As well as delivering to businesses nationwide, the drop-in diesel alternative is available at a growing number of Certas Energy refuelling sites, making Certas Energy the first in the UK to offer HVO fuel to HGV fuel card users at the pump. 

Certas Energy HVO is already making waves across several industries, with a number of major national companies and organisations making the switch. Royal Mail, for example, is trialling the fuel in its HGV fleet, while the British Antarctic Survey has launched a trial aboard the world-renowned RRS Sir David Attenborough.

For more information and to download The Renewable Fuels Guide, click here.

Ready to embrace a low emission future by transitioning to HVO? Get in touch to discuss making the switch today.

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