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Benefits of Living Off-Grid Living

What Are the Benefits of an Off-Grid Lifestyle?

In a time where every penny counts, you may be considering an off-grid lifestyle. At first, buying a property off the electrical grid can seem to be rather daunting or somewhat of a hassle. But simple changes can make a huge positive impact. Being smart about how you buy your energy is the first step to reaping the benefits of living off-grid in the UK.

What does Living Off-Grid Mean?  

Off-grid living is leading a life away from the National Grid. The National Grid is a network that provides energy to millions of people across the UK to heat their homes. 

Though the National Grid system is the usual option for many, around one million UK households live ‘off-grid’. Those that live in off-grid households obtain their warmth through oil fired central heating. Off-grid homes rely on fuel delivered to them by providers such as Certas Energy.

If you’re unfamiliar with off-grid energy systems, it could be useful to read more about our heating oil options.

How Would Living Off-Grid Benefit You?

There is a perception that off-grid living may be inconvenient at first. But, off-grid living has many uplifting and positive aspects. Living off-grid is a great way to take a step back from modern life. 

You can enjoy a slower pace of living, get in touch with nature, and take control of your energy consumption. Read on to learn more about the benefits of an off-grid lifestyle.

Being at One With Nature

Making the most of your surroundings is the key to enjoying an off-grid life. With such beautiful landscapes, take time to appreciate the beauty of nature around you. Removing yourself from the hustle and bustle of city life can open you up to new experiences and new ways of looking at life.

Allow yourself to embark on new hobbies such as birdwatching and hiking. Enjoy pastimes that would be seemingly impossible to enjoy in a noise-polluted city environment. Living off-grid in these stunning rural locations gives you the opportunity to slow down and take life at your own pace.

Being in touch with nature guarantees one of the most fulfilling and happy lifestyles, without noise or pollution.

Growing and Eating Fresh Produce

Why not try using this opportunity to grow your own produce and herbs? By cultivating your own vegetable garden for example, you can enjoy fresh, organic produce that you have nurtured. Taking advantage of the natural resources around you has a multitude of health, money-saving and eco-friendly advantages.

From lowering food costs to reducing the need for single-use plastics, you can save money while helping the environment. Growing some of your own food also means less travel to the supermarket. In time this will lower food miles and take steps towards reducing your carbon footprint.

Read our handy guide to living a more sustainable lifestyle.

Restoring and Celebrating Historical Properties

Rural areas are popular locations for off-grid homes in the UK. These properties are usually older than those tied to the grid. In purchasing one, you could find yourself with an exciting restoration project on your hands. 

Celebrate the history and heritage of Britain by restoring one of these properties to its former glory. An added bonus when purchasing a historical property is the land that typically comes as part of the deal.

Improving Wellbeing

Your environment can have a significant impact on your wellbeing and mental health. Urban living is often full of noise, pollution, crowds, traffic, and excessive amounts of technology. All of these can be triggers for some people.

Living off the grid, however, is often the key to a simpler, quieter, and more peaceful way of life. This alternative lifestyle allows you to take time to connect with yourself, your family and loved ones. Spending more time with friends and family can boost your overall well-being and happiness.

Saving Money

Especially during the cost-of-living-crisis, it’s vital that you make the right choice when choosing an energy supplier for your home. While initial costs can seem expensive, off-grid living can ultimately allow you to fill up your savings account by reducing your energy tariffs in the future. 

Throughout the year, the cost of heating oil fluctuates – sometimes on a daily basis – for a variety of reasons. During these periods, you can expect for us to be extremely busy trying to keep up with demand. However, as our fuel is easy to store, some people use this as the prime opportunity to stock up and save money on their kerosene

Read our guide for more tips on cutting costs and saving money at home.

Becoming Part of an Off-Grid Community

Across the UK more and more like-minded people are forming off-grid communities. Tinkers Bubble in Somerset for example, uses environmentally sound methods of working the land without using fossil fuels.

Joining a community could be a great way to live off-grid with the support of other people to show you the ropes. And to help you get to grips with aspects that may be new to you, like composting toilets, using a wood burning stove or finding a reliable water supply. 

By living off-grid you can make new connections and friendships by becoming part of a new community that isn’t reliant on public utilities and local authorities.

Buy Your Off-Grid Energy Today

Certas Energy can deliver to locations across England, Scotland and Wales and will have your fuel to you within the delivery date stated in your quote (or if no set date, we guarantee delivery within 30 days.) 

Register today to place your first order and obtain a quote.  

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