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Certas Energy News

Prepare Your Fleet For Winter

Being on the road all year round, hauliers will be the first to testify how bitterly cold the UK weather can become. But there’s more

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Liquid Fuels Certas Infographic
Certas Energy News

Alternative Fuels In Action

Created to deliver significant sustainability benefits, alternative liquid fuels have an important part to play in the move towards cleaner air. With Europe being at

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Gas Oil FAME Content Explained

Certas Energy Customer Advice Regarding Fame content. Following recent changes to the UK’s Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO) regulations, Certas Energy are looking to reiterate

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Certas Energy News

Onboard Telematics FAQs

FuelTrace is the telematics solution from Certas Energy that provides fleet managers with full visibility of their fleet – no matter how many vehicles they

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